QinZa Najm Sargodha | Pakistan | 1976


I believe that art can be a powerful tool for creating a more just and equitable world, and I am committed to using my practice to engage audiences in conversations about the complex web of forces that shape our sense of self and belonging.

Qinza Najm is a Pakistani American artist with a practice that spans New York City, London, and Lahore. Trained at Bath University London and the Art Students League of New York, Najm’s interdisciplinary approach encompasses painting, installations, sculpture, and performance. Her work has been exhibited globally at prestigious venues such as the Queens Museum, Christie’s Art, Art|Basel, and the Museum of the Moving Image, and has been featured in major publications including ArtNet News, Hyperallergic, Huffington Post, and International Business Week. With a Ph.D. in Psychology focusing on emotional intelligence, Najm explores the intersection of the human body, identity, and power, particularly within the experiences of women and immigrants. Her work transforms everyday materials into immersive experiences that evoke empathy and prompt critical reflection. Najm’s goal is to foster understanding and dialogue among diverse communities by addressing social issues and cultural traumas. She lives and works in New York.
